Amzar the Truth Seeker

Amzar the Truth Seeker
I travel and fights for Islam

Thursday, 2 February 2012

the conversation

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Fellow readers. Most people around the world is a Muslim but we are only separated by vast oceans.
So regarding my study in Curtin University with other international students, I grabbed a chance to chat with my new Omanese friend, named Umar. So today, I'm going to share about some point that I obtained from my conversation with Umar and his friends.

I asked Umar about him and his country. Umar and his friends was actually sponsored by their government for studying here. Their pocket-money for a month is 300 US Dollar, which means RM1000, more or less. At first, they were offered an option for their University, either in America or Malaysia. They picked Malaysia because they heard that Malaysia is Islamic Country. They prefer to study in Islamic Country because they wanted to preserve their Iman, in addition, Muslim are supposed to be nice to each other. Upon their arrival here, they were so shocked. Women that covers their aurat can already be counted with fingers. How did the so-called Islamic country's citizens actually wore like this? Is there no respect for Islam anymore? They asked me. I was silenced. How can I answer the question that I can't answer it rationally. In Miri, people that can speak in English are very hard-to-find. This really make their studies in Miri become harder as they can't communicate with the local citizens while going out to the town. They actually regret the fact that they chose to study in Malaysia, while they can succeed better in their studies if they went to America instead. To be honest, I can't speak for a minute or two. I was deeply felt ashamed of fellow Malaysians, about how high people's expectations on us but in reality.... among fellow Malays, there are quotes which is " indah khabar dari rupa " which means the news that we heard about something is nicer than reality about the thing.

Interested, he gave me an advise. He said that men are not supposed to wear trousers exceeds their calf as it shows his arrogance towards others. He even said that while studying, muslims are permitted to gather their solat, or commonly referred as Solat Jama' for Zuhur+Asar and Maghrib+Isya'. I told them that I am in Mazhab Syafi'e and I am not used to follow other Mazhab's teachings. He answered that there's only one God. And what differentiate Muslims among other does not change the fact that Allah is only One. So he explained to me further about it. He asked me, can I read Quran in Arabic? Immediately I answered yes. They asked me, how many verse that I have memorised? I answered, with a pause, err.. a bit. They told me, by the age of 17, most of them had already memorized at least 20 juz of Quran. Subhanallah! How stunned I was. I was shocked, ashamed on myself. I have wasted so many time in my life doing nothing that will confirm me Jannah.

Now, they're planning to move to another University in Kuala Lumpur. It is because they can't bear to speak to those that cannot speak in English fluently. They pat me on my back as I had become one of their nice pal. I just smile, a weak smile if I may say.

So, I think that's it for now. May Allah grant our wishes to be reunited together in Jannah and may we die in Islam. Wassalam.

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