Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh fellow readers.
So, thank you for your outstanding patient in waiting for my new post. My study in Miri still proceeds as it's planned, Alhamdulillah. My journey right now doesn't seem anything peculiar. Through hanging out with my friends for a few days, I have encountered many different phenomenon on human's nature. Right now, I'm just going in specifically in emotional response towards unfavourable matters- wrath. Wrath's existence is very subjective. One can never predict that he was actually being driven by anger in daily interaction with or without others. As a human beings, I am also borned with emotions and I am, too, borned with wrath.
Our Prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. once spoken; A strong Muslim is the one that is able to withstand anger at its first burst. Which means, no matter how heavy the loads that one can carry, no matter how much moneypouch one can carry, but still, one cannot be named STRONG unless he managed to substain his anger in any kind of situation.
Anger is a very subjective matter to be discussed of. Different people requires different things to be angry. Some maybe upset because his soulmate or bestfriend ditched her. Some maybe upset because his tea taste salty. But, the real question is; How did we manage our angst? I would like to share my story with you as the faithful readers of my blog. I have a friend in the same university as I am. He even took the same course as I am. Then, he even played rugby as I am. He is very enthusiastic in rugby. He played like he's playing in a tournament. But, the fact that he's playing like he's playing in the tournament really pissed me off. Without mercy, he tried to thrash us, giving out all of his effort without holding off his strength. In my eyes, he was just trying to boast his skill. All praises to Allah for creating me layered with a thick layers of fat, I managed to withstand his attack. At first, my teammates and I tried to advise him, reminded him that brothers of faith don't hurt each other unless in a serious training or fight.Instead, he merely look at us and replied in a sinister tone; Only the weak spoke the word.
We were astonished. We tried our best to hold our wrath yet he called us weak. Yes. I admit. As God's creature, we were powerless without His Blessings. Yet, another God's creature sinisterly called us...weak? To avoid further fight, I turned silence. In the past, I would be literally scolded if I became outrageous. These experience really turned out to be handy in social interaction. Credits to my brothers of faith; Ahmad Saufy Ahmad Azman, Faheem Ahmad Waseem Ahmad, Nazrul Nizam Abd Halim, Muhammad Syafiq Hilmi, Amirul Asyraf Abd Halim and Mohd Asyraf Salehuddin. So we decided toisolate him, to allow him to think about his act for a while. But, he turned out to be worst. One day, he played basketball with the ladies and a few guys. He scolded a girl for not carry the ball towards the shooting basket. He scolded, swore and many other things that humiliated the girl. My face turned red, along with my friends. We scolded him back and ran a total isolation on him. We turned our back on him and walked away. He seemed distress, untill today. He seldom went out of his house. I had determined to never to be close to him unless he decided to change for good.
So, readers. I would like to ask. Is my actions right in the path of Islam? I need an answer to this question. I am a human and I fear Allah. I'm afraid my act will cause Allah to be angry with me. Na'uzubillah min Zalik. So that's it for now. Thank you for reading. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Amzar the Truth Seeker
Monday, 13 February 2012
Thursday, 2 February 2012
the conversation
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Fellow readers. Most people around the world is a Muslim but we are only separated by vast oceans.
So regarding my study in Curtin University with other international students, I grabbed a chance to chat with my new Omanese friend, named Umar. So today, I'm going to share about some point that I obtained from my conversation with Umar and his friends.
I asked Umar about him and his country. Umar and his friends was actually sponsored by their government for studying here. Their pocket-money for a month is 300 US Dollar, which means RM1000, more or less. At first, they were offered an option for their University, either in America or Malaysia. They picked Malaysia because they heard that Malaysia is Islamic Country. They prefer to study in Islamic Country because they wanted to preserve their Iman, in addition, Muslim are supposed to be nice to each other. Upon their arrival here, they were so shocked. Women that covers their aurat can already be counted with fingers. How did the so-called Islamic country's citizens actually wore like this? Is there no respect for Islam anymore? They asked me. I was silenced. How can I answer the question that I can't answer it rationally. In Miri, people that can speak in English are very hard-to-find. This really make their studies in Miri become harder as they can't communicate with the local citizens while going out to the town. They actually regret the fact that they chose to study in Malaysia, while they can succeed better in their studies if they went to America instead. To be honest, I can't speak for a minute or two. I was deeply felt ashamed of fellow Malaysians, about how high people's expectations on us but in reality.... among fellow Malays, there are quotes which is " indah khabar dari rupa " which means the news that we heard about something is nicer than reality about the thing.
Interested, he gave me an advise. He said that men are not supposed to wear trousers exceeds their calf as it shows his arrogance towards others. He even said that while studying, muslims are permitted to gather their solat, or commonly referred as Solat Jama' for Zuhur+Asar and Maghrib+Isya'. I told them that I am in Mazhab Syafi'e and I am not used to follow other Mazhab's teachings. He answered that there's only one God. And what differentiate Muslims among other does not change the fact that Allah is only One. So he explained to me further about it. He asked me, can I read Quran in Arabic? Immediately I answered yes. They asked me, how many verse that I have memorised? I answered, with a pause, err.. a bit. They told me, by the age of 17, most of them had already memorized at least 20 juz of Quran. Subhanallah! How stunned I was. I was shocked, ashamed on myself. I have wasted so many time in my life doing nothing that will confirm me Jannah.
Now, they're planning to move to another University in Kuala Lumpur. It is because they can't bear to speak to those that cannot speak in English fluently. They pat me on my back as I had become one of their nice pal. I just smile, a weak smile if I may say.
So, I think that's it for now. May Allah grant our wishes to be reunited together in Jannah and may we die in Islam. Wassalam.
Fellow readers. Most people around the world is a Muslim but we are only separated by vast oceans.
So regarding my study in Curtin University with other international students, I grabbed a chance to chat with my new Omanese friend, named Umar. So today, I'm going to share about some point that I obtained from my conversation with Umar and his friends.
I asked Umar about him and his country. Umar and his friends was actually sponsored by their government for studying here. Their pocket-money for a month is 300 US Dollar, which means RM1000, more or less. At first, they were offered an option for their University, either in America or Malaysia. They picked Malaysia because they heard that Malaysia is Islamic Country. They prefer to study in Islamic Country because they wanted to preserve their Iman, in addition, Muslim are supposed to be nice to each other. Upon their arrival here, they were so shocked. Women that covers their aurat can already be counted with fingers. How did the so-called Islamic country's citizens actually wore like this? Is there no respect for Islam anymore? They asked me. I was silenced. How can I answer the question that I can't answer it rationally. In Miri, people that can speak in English are very hard-to-find. This really make their studies in Miri become harder as they can't communicate with the local citizens while going out to the town. They actually regret the fact that they chose to study in Malaysia, while they can succeed better in their studies if they went to America instead. To be honest, I can't speak for a minute or two. I was deeply felt ashamed of fellow Malaysians, about how high people's expectations on us but in reality.... among fellow Malays, there are quotes which is " indah khabar dari rupa " which means the news that we heard about something is nicer than reality about the thing.
Interested, he gave me an advise. He said that men are not supposed to wear trousers exceeds their calf as it shows his arrogance towards others. He even said that while studying, muslims are permitted to gather their solat, or commonly referred as Solat Jama' for Zuhur+Asar and Maghrib+Isya'. I told them that I am in Mazhab Syafi'e and I am not used to follow other Mazhab's teachings. He answered that there's only one God. And what differentiate Muslims among other does not change the fact that Allah is only One. So he explained to me further about it. He asked me, can I read Quran in Arabic? Immediately I answered yes. They asked me, how many verse that I have memorised? I answered, with a pause, err.. a bit. They told me, by the age of 17, most of them had already memorized at least 20 juz of Quran. Subhanallah! How stunned I was. I was shocked, ashamed on myself. I have wasted so many time in my life doing nothing that will confirm me Jannah.
Now, they're planning to move to another University in Kuala Lumpur. It is because they can't bear to speak to those that cannot speak in English fluently. They pat me on my back as I had become one of their nice pal. I just smile, a weak smile if I may say.
So, I think that's it for now. May Allah grant our wishes to be reunited together in Jannah and may we die in Islam. Wassalam.
Monday, 30 January 2012
the dawn-Miri
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to fellow readers.
How're you today? Or better, how are your deeds today? Surely I hope that we should not have any problems regarding our akidah and Iman. Right now, I'm currently studying in Miri, Sarawak. I met with a few Arabic Muslims from Oman. They walked out of the Meeting Room. They're not just by themselves. They walked with all students from Oman. To be polite, I approached a friendly looking Omanese and spoke with them. I asked them what happened. One of them, named Umar, said that one of their female friend were raped. How shocked am I to hear such news. The Oman Ambassador even came in discussing such matters. Later then, we have a little chat after a brief introduction.
Umar's a kind person. He knew well about Islam but he probably not in my Mazhab stream which is Syafi'e. So after that, I asked them about the matter regarding the girl. Umar said; I don't think that we should blame the rapist totally. I wouldn't involve myself with this matter because for me, it is the girl's fault too. Why? Because back in Oman, she covered her aurat well. She covered her whole body except her hands and her face. She was covered in black too. But when she arrives here, she changed. She wore a thight shirt, her headscarf loosen, tight jeans etc etc.
Umar even gave me an analogy; If a guy went into a pub, drink a liquor served by a waiter and then he's drunk. Whose fault is it? The guy that walked into the pub or the waiter that served the drink? He really opened my mind. I thought that this guy will surely blame the rapist and I already felt ashamed because the rapist is Malaysian but it turned out otherwise. His thinking are based on Islam and he did not turn out to be bias towards his countryman. or woman. So that evening I played rugby and went home at 7 o'clock in the evening. My thoughts about the incident still lurks in my mind. I hope that I can study more about Islam during my travel and journey, searching for an- Nur and hidayah from Allah the Most Compassionate and The Most Merciful. Wallahualam.
So, that's it today for my update and I hope that may Allah permit me, wills me to write more about Islam during my journey here. May Allah bless us and place us in Jannah insya-Allah.
How're you today? Or better, how are your deeds today? Surely I hope that we should not have any problems regarding our akidah and Iman. Right now, I'm currently studying in Miri, Sarawak. I met with a few Arabic Muslims from Oman. They walked out of the Meeting Room. They're not just by themselves. They walked with all students from Oman. To be polite, I approached a friendly looking Omanese and spoke with them. I asked them what happened. One of them, named Umar, said that one of their female friend were raped. How shocked am I to hear such news. The Oman Ambassador even came in discussing such matters. Later then, we have a little chat after a brief introduction.
Umar's a kind person. He knew well about Islam but he probably not in my Mazhab stream which is Syafi'e. So after that, I asked them about the matter regarding the girl. Umar said; I don't think that we should blame the rapist totally. I wouldn't involve myself with this matter because for me, it is the girl's fault too. Why? Because back in Oman, she covered her aurat well. She covered her whole body except her hands and her face. She was covered in black too. But when she arrives here, she changed. She wore a thight shirt, her headscarf loosen, tight jeans etc etc.
Umar even gave me an analogy; If a guy went into a pub, drink a liquor served by a waiter and then he's drunk. Whose fault is it? The guy that walked into the pub or the waiter that served the drink? He really opened my mind. I thought that this guy will surely blame the rapist and I already felt ashamed because the rapist is Malaysian but it turned out otherwise. His thinking are based on Islam and he did not turn out to be bias towards his countryman. or woman. So that evening I played rugby and went home at 7 o'clock in the evening. My thoughts about the incident still lurks in my mind. I hope that I can study more about Islam during my travel and journey, searching for an- Nur and hidayah from Allah the Most Compassionate and The Most Merciful. Wallahualam.
So, that's it today for my update and I hope that may Allah permit me, wills me to write more about Islam during my journey here. May Allah bless us and place us in Jannah insya-Allah.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
The beginning 3
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
This is my third updates in this magnificent blogging world. So today I would like to continue further about my journey in upholding Islam. Today, my friends and I played rugby for the first time in Curtin. It was such a great experience. You know, when you have abandoned something which has become a routine for you before suddenly, you got another chance to enroll into the passion once more. I felt alive and kicking! Haha. But I'm not here to write a thing or two about rugby. Probably i will, but not in this post. Here in Curtin, there are a Muslim Society which is called " Curtin Islamic Society " or commonly known as C.I.S. At first, I thought that this community is nothing more than the usual club that was established by this college. But, as time goes by I am now realized that this group is under ex-Curtin students felware.
Recently, they had invited a V.I.P from Navi Marmara incident a few years ago. He was on board the Navi Marmara. He is also a famous Islamic motivator. His name is Hasanuddin Mohd Yunus. He has many stories to be told. His speech was so great that I also wanted to be like him.
Secretly, I asked him about Malaysian polytics. It is because Malaysian Polytics is a serious topic to be discussed. Some people are fanatics about their support for the party. Some support government, some support opposition parties. While the others, chose to be excluded as they don't have any idea about the truth. So, his reply was ; Malaysia should revise the administration and ruling methods. The procedures now adays are very irrelevant. Like a debate, the government should fight to support for a motion while the opposition should fight against it, no matter what the consequence. If any side do the otherwise, the side will lose their support adn therefore, lose the election.
For those who wished to ask further about him, why don't you add him on Facebook, right? So here's the link:!/profile.php?id=100000926085594
I sure learnt a lot with him.I hope you guys can, too. There are many stories that can be tell from our life. Because life itself is a journey. As Allah had stated, World is just a place for you to stopby and collect resources before you continue your journey in Hereafter. So, that's it for now. May Allah forgive us for our wrongdoings and bless us for our right deeds. Wassalam
This is my third updates in this magnificent blogging world. So today I would like to continue further about my journey in upholding Islam. Today, my friends and I played rugby for the first time in Curtin. It was such a great experience. You know, when you have abandoned something which has become a routine for you before suddenly, you got another chance to enroll into the passion once more. I felt alive and kicking! Haha. But I'm not here to write a thing or two about rugby. Probably i will, but not in this post. Here in Curtin, there are a Muslim Society which is called " Curtin Islamic Society " or commonly known as C.I.S. At first, I thought that this community is nothing more than the usual club that was established by this college. But, as time goes by I am now realized that this group is under ex-Curtin students felware.
Recently, they had invited a V.I.P from Navi Marmara incident a few years ago. He was on board the Navi Marmara. He is also a famous Islamic motivator. His name is Hasanuddin Mohd Yunus. He has many stories to be told. His speech was so great that I also wanted to be like him.
Secretly, I asked him about Malaysian polytics. It is because Malaysian Polytics is a serious topic to be discussed. Some people are fanatics about their support for the party. Some support government, some support opposition parties. While the others, chose to be excluded as they don't have any idea about the truth. So, his reply was ; Malaysia should revise the administration and ruling methods. The procedures now adays are very irrelevant. Like a debate, the government should fight to support for a motion while the opposition should fight against it, no matter what the consequence. If any side do the otherwise, the side will lose their support adn therefore, lose the election.
For those who wished to ask further about him, why don't you add him on Facebook, right? So here's the link:!/profile.php?id=100000926085594
I sure learnt a lot with him.I hope you guys can, too. There are many stories that can be tell from our life. Because life itself is a journey. As Allah had stated, World is just a place for you to stopby and collect resources before you continue your journey in Hereafter. So, that's it for now. May Allah forgive us for our wrongdoings and bless us for our right deeds. Wassalam
Thursday, 26 January 2012
the beginning 2
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
So this is another story of me about my journey in Miri, Sarawak.
To be honest, Muslim is a minority in Borneo, including ourselves in Curtin University. So we just stick to ourselves as a Muslim Community. Yet, there are another Muslim Society in this university which came from Middle East countries such as Sudan and were widely dominated by people from Oman. At first sight, they thought that we were not a Muslim. How sad could it be, right? Later, we approached them. We introduced ourselves as Muslims and how shocked they were. You guys should see their shocked but relieved expressions. Relieved because they were not the only Muslim community.
Well, life here isn't very much to be delighted either.
You can always see stray dogs lurking in every corner of Senadin. It's not a favourable sight for me. It's sense of worries, weird, shock, etc etc. I'm scared that the dog suddenly come and wipe his damp body at my leg. Then I have to cleanse myself with 6 times of clean water and 1 time of clean water added with clean soil. Or worst, the canine might actually come and give me a huge bite. Pathetic, isn't it?
So, enough about the dog for now. So life in university is quite tough for now. If we were in boarding school, the Frequently Asked Question ( FAQ ) among us was such as " Would we eat sausage tonight for our supper?" or " I'm starving. Should I eat a lot??" but when you're studying in university, the FAQ changed which is " How much should I eat so that I can preserve my pocket money?" or " Should I really eat tonight? I'm not hungry neither I am full". You have to make a decision everytime you are facing these type of question. With every decision you've made comes it consequence. Only wise decision can help you to survive in university life. I'm not talking as a typical college boy looking for a popularity or an adult trying to say something that shows my maturity. But, I am talking as your brother by faith, that talks based on experience.
You cannot stand the pressure of university life just by having money. You need faith, believe and religion. You can never lie your hope on your parents for the whole time, right? They aren't always by your side for the whole time. In fact, not even your best friend remains with you everytime. There'll be a time when you'll be left alone to think. During this lonely time, most of the students in Korea, China and Japan took their own life. Pathetic way to die, isn't it?
So, only One that can always be by ourside everytime, every minute and every second. It is Allah the Almighty, The Most Compationate and The Most Forgiving. So that's it for now. May Allah bless me on my writings. Forgive me for any mistakes, faults that I've done either with or without care in my writings. Hope that you can always support me through my jihad. Wassalam.
So this is another story of me about my journey in Miri, Sarawak.
To be honest, Muslim is a minority in Borneo, including ourselves in Curtin University. So we just stick to ourselves as a Muslim Community. Yet, there are another Muslim Society in this university which came from Middle East countries such as Sudan and were widely dominated by people from Oman. At first sight, they thought that we were not a Muslim. How sad could it be, right? Later, we approached them. We introduced ourselves as Muslims and how shocked they were. You guys should see their shocked but relieved expressions. Relieved because they were not the only Muslim community.
Well, life here isn't very much to be delighted either.
You can always see stray dogs lurking in every corner of Senadin. It's not a favourable sight for me. It's sense of worries, weird, shock, etc etc. I'm scared that the dog suddenly come and wipe his damp body at my leg. Then I have to cleanse myself with 6 times of clean water and 1 time of clean water added with clean soil. Or worst, the canine might actually come and give me a huge bite. Pathetic, isn't it?
So, enough about the dog for now. So life in university is quite tough for now. If we were in boarding school, the Frequently Asked Question ( FAQ ) among us was such as " Would we eat sausage tonight for our supper?" or " I'm starving. Should I eat a lot??" but when you're studying in university, the FAQ changed which is " How much should I eat so that I can preserve my pocket money?" or " Should I really eat tonight? I'm not hungry neither I am full". You have to make a decision everytime you are facing these type of question. With every decision you've made comes it consequence. Only wise decision can help you to survive in university life. I'm not talking as a typical college boy looking for a popularity or an adult trying to say something that shows my maturity. But, I am talking as your brother by faith, that talks based on experience.
You cannot stand the pressure of university life just by having money. You need faith, believe and religion. You can never lie your hope on your parents for the whole time, right? They aren't always by your side for the whole time. In fact, not even your best friend remains with you everytime. There'll be a time when you'll be left alone to think. During this lonely time, most of the students in Korea, China and Japan took their own life. Pathetic way to die, isn't it?
So, only One that can always be by ourside everytime, every minute and every second. It is Allah the Almighty, The Most Compationate and The Most Forgiving. So that's it for now. May Allah bless me on my writings. Forgive me for any mistakes, faults that I've done either with or without care in my writings. Hope that you can always support me through my jihad. Wassalam.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
codec001-the beginning
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to fellow readers.
I am Amzar the traveller. I am a Muslim, and insyaAllah forever a Muslim.
I live in Shah Alam, Selangor, in west Malaysia and currently studying in Miri, Sarawak, in east Malaysia.
My journey mabe seems short but believe me, I have learnt a lot.
Life in Miri isn't hard, isn't easy. Not hard because I am used to University lifestyle. Not easy because you'll need ur faith to live. I mean, you are absolutely free to choose what ever that you wanted to wear, but your choice might determine the consequence of your actions. In short, your choice in the end is between YOU and ALLAH. HEAVEN or HELL for the life in hereafter.
Scary? Trust me, Allah's punishment is terrible than your worst nightmare.
So, the beginning of my journey. I landed in Miri on 7th January of 2012.
It was nearly 11 o'clock in the evening. It was terribly cold at that time.
So, on 9th Jan. I registered in Curtin University of Technology. Curtin University in Miri is a University branch originally from Curtin University in Perth, Australia.
Well, I've befriended many people from West Malaysia and even some from Sabah and Sarawak.
Alhamdulillah, all of them are Muslim so I've got my worries diminished.
Currenly I am living in Curtin Villa for the year 2012, along with my friends.
Near our villa, there are few convinience store for us to buy our daily needs so we've got nothing to worry about. During dinner, we have no place to eat, yet. So we just walked around the little town of Senadin.
We grabbed our meal then ate at home. I think that's it for my codec this time.
May Allah wills me to write more in the future.
I am Amzar the traveller. I am a Muslim, and insyaAllah forever a Muslim.
I live in Shah Alam, Selangor, in west Malaysia and currently studying in Miri, Sarawak, in east Malaysia.
My journey mabe seems short but believe me, I have learnt a lot.
Life in Miri isn't hard, isn't easy. Not hard because I am used to University lifestyle. Not easy because you'll need ur faith to live. I mean, you are absolutely free to choose what ever that you wanted to wear, but your choice might determine the consequence of your actions. In short, your choice in the end is between YOU and ALLAH. HEAVEN or HELL for the life in hereafter.
Scary? Trust me, Allah's punishment is terrible than your worst nightmare.
So, the beginning of my journey. I landed in Miri on 7th January of 2012.
It was nearly 11 o'clock in the evening. It was terribly cold at that time.
Indeed, Miri is trully a beautiful town. the second largest town in Sarawak.
The people are nice and friendly. They're also kind-hearted towards tourists.So, on 9th Jan. I registered in Curtin University of Technology. Curtin University in Miri is a University branch originally from Curtin University in Perth, Australia.
Well, I've befriended many people from West Malaysia and even some from Sabah and Sarawak.
Alhamdulillah, all of them are Muslim so I've got my worries diminished.
Currenly I am living in Curtin Villa for the year 2012, along with my friends.
Near our villa, there are few convinience store for us to buy our daily needs so we've got nothing to worry about. During dinner, we have no place to eat, yet. So we just walked around the little town of Senadin.
We grabbed our meal then ate at home. I think that's it for my codec this time.
May Allah wills me to write more in the future.
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